

How to join in

Basically we distinguish between registration (in the series) and entry (for an event). By registering, you secure all exclusive advantages for serial starters (e. g. guaranteed starting place, discounted entry fees, exclusive serial rating). Monetary the registration in the series pay off if you race two events or more.

Irrespective of the registration in the series is the entry for an event. With the respective entry you secure your starting place for each individual event. Also guest entrants (without registration in the series) can enter the event – as long as starting places are available. The places for registration as well as for entry are limited.

Classes and all regulations: Ausschreibung

Registration in the series: Einschreibung

Entry for an event: Nennung

Time schedule: Schedule

Prizes: Prizes



Participants who have not yet reached the age of 18 years require the consent of their legal guardian for successful enrolment and entry. A corresponding form is available for download on the homepage and must be handed in when collecting the starting documents on site.

Download: Einverständniserklärung Erziehungsberechtigte


How it works

Each track consists of (measured) stages and (unmeasured) connecting stages. Only the time of the stages (plus prologue on the day before the main race) is included in the total time. A stage is a downhill section with natural or artificial obstacles. After each stage, connecting stages lead to the next stage. There is a generous time limit for the entire track.

On Saturday morning the first part of the track will be announced. Training on selected stages is allowed during the announced times. The other sections of the track must be driven on sight. The complete route will be announced on Saturday evening.

The prologue determines the starting order of the main race and is simultaneously included in the total time. If you do not participate in the prologue, the total time will be double the time of the best prologue in your class. In total, all tracks of the main race on Sunday plus prologue on Saturday will be added together for the evaluation. The transfer stages are not considered and all penalty times are added.

The time measurement is carried out by an active transponder, which is included in your starter kit. A deposit of 20 Euro must be deposited and will be returned in the target area. The transponder is attached to the handlebar with a rubber holder. Without transponder no time measurement and participation is possible! The transponder must be activated before the start and read out after the finish (every day). This takes place in the start/finish channel.


What you need

To participate you need a mountain bike in perfect technical condition. Depending on the local prerequisites and outside conditions (weather, etc.) you can choose the model and components according to your preferences.  An event is to be absolved with only one mountain bike. Changing bikes during an event is not permitted.

In addition, a helmet with CE marking is mandatory in all cases.

For your own safety, we recommend additional protective equipment for the stages (full face helmet, knee pads, back and elbow protectors).

No license is required.


E1 E-Bike

Participants of the category E1 E-Bike, i. e. mountain bikers with pedelec (see technical requirements), complete a special e-bike stage, which puts the skills of the motorised starters to the test. Depending on the location, this can be an uphill section or a technically tricky course, for example. This stage is not (!) included in the total time of the weekend. However, you can collect additional points for the championship on this stage. The regular prologue is still to be absolved (2018 NEW). Those who do not participate can still start the next day. In total time, the best e-biker's time is doubled in the prologue. The main race is the regular course.

There are further technical requirements for the e-bikes. Only pedelecs with a maximum motor power of 250 watts may be used. The motor must be firmly installed in the bike and may accelerate the bike to max. 25 km/h (according to EU motor vehicle regulations). The power of the motor only results as pedal support and must not replace it. There is no need for a type-approval and an insurance number for these vehicles. Also, only the standard batteries of the pedelec are allowed and additional or modified versions are strictly prohibited. The battery must not be changed or charged during a race day. We reserve the right to check the pedelecs.


Serial ranking

The five best results of the six races are included in the serial ranking (one strike result).

Points are awarded in all classes according to the following mode:

Place Points Place Points Place Points Place Points
1 30 7 17 13 11 19 5
2 25 8 16 14 10 20 4
3 22 9 15 15 9 21 3
4 20 10 14 16 8 22 2
5 19 11 13 17 7 23 1
6 18 12 12 18 6   


Safety instructions

Mountain biking might be dangerous. The events are insured by organizer's liability insurance. It is recommended that all participants take out additional private accident insurance covering the special risk of mountain biking.

It is recommended that each participant undergo a medical examination at regular intervals in order to check his physical fitness. Every driver is obliged to report any injuries he has suffered during the event to the local medical service. It is recommended to take a mobile phone with you. Emergency numbers will be announced.

In emergency situations the participants are asked to help each other. The race control can make time corrections in the event of a loss of time caused by proven assistance. In the event of proven failure to provide assistance, the participant will be disqualified.


Data protection

Participants agree to OAI/BABOONS events' general privacy policy (available here).


Responsibility and disclaimer of liability

All participants take part in the event at their own risk. They are solely responsible under civil and criminal law for all damages caused by them or their sports equipment. Participants waive any right of action or recourse against all parties involved in the organisation of the event by submitting their registration/ entry for all accidents or damage suffered in connection with the event, in particular with regard to

  • the organiser, its representatives and helpers
  • the owner (s) of the property used for the event, as well as the structural installations and facilities, against the operator of the track used for the event and his or her representatives and assistants.
  • the OAI e. V., its representatives and helpers
  • the promoter BABOONS, his representatives and helpers.
  • this agreement becomes effective upon dispatch of the registration or entry to OAI e. V. to all parties involved (subject to changes to this announcement). Each participant expressly confirms that the entered information is correct in its entirety.

Minors require the consent of their legal guardians to participate.

It is pointed out that mountain biking entails health risks and an increased risk of accident or injury. On the transfer stages, the participants are normal road users. In the public transport area, the road traffic regulations apply in their entirety. All legal questions regarding the KENDA Enduro One Series are governed by German law.


(all information is subject to change without notice)





Enduro One Series Partner

Maciag - Mountainbike Bekleidung Motorex 24mx Ortema renerosa logo 240x120